Publish your program straight to the web


Publish your Program

Once you have configured your webage you can publish

You have the option of:

Using the URL

Copying the embed code and have the program appear in an existing website

Use the JSON to take the program content and display exactly how you want


If you don't have a website...then build one in Joi

Use Joi to build your program and collate performer (aka speakers, presenters etc ), sponsor and exhibitor information and your microsite is pretty much built for you

Use Display Options and Filters to control your content

More than one microsite, same source content

Joi allows you to create multiple microsites

Create separate sites with different branding or programs for different audiences and or different campaigns 



Create the exact look and feel  you want with the design tools

Create your colour palette, exactly matching brand colours if required, and choose your fonts

Select your header and footer images

Add social and footer links

All mobile friendly so your microsite will look great on any device



With 90% of your content already formatted for you the only element you need to build is the Homepage

You can add headers and body copy

Add CTA (Call To Action) buttons to link your registration page

Select the performers, sponsors and exhibitors you want to feature

Add slider images with links to feature sponsors, venues, event FAQ’s … any information you want to share with your audience


Updating your microsite is quick and easy

Make changes to the program, performers, sponsors or exhibitors and those changes are instantly available to your microsite

Simply go into the microsite builder, go to Preview to check the changes and when ready click update. Your microsite will be instantly updated

More than one microsite? 

If you have more than one microsite you can do bulk updates

Start planning events for free.

Access all the features in Joi for 7 days, then decide which plan suits you.

7 day free trial Book a 30 min demo

Or compare plans from $50AUD,  €35EUR,  £30GBP, or $40USD per month for 10 active events.