Event planning & scheduling software for
conferences festivals conventions theatre productions expos meetings roadshows training

‘Game-changing’ event planning software

There is no other event software like Joi. Designed specifically for event planning. Powerful and very cost effective. Use Joi, deliver better events

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I absolutely LOVE using Joi and find the more I use it, the more I love it!


What you get with your Joi subscription…

Three very big reasons to use Joi for your program

The most important decision you will make
How you build the program will impact on every aspect of planning. Build it in spreadsheets and you are consigning yourself to hours of work managing changes. Build your program in Joi and everything is in sync: website, app, production and schedules. Update once, update everywhere
It's fun
When you are brainstorming a program you want to be able to move things around with ease, play with timing, play with different ideas. Joi makes this easy with drag and drop sessions, auto timing and simple to add streams or locations. Let your creativity flow
The program team and planning team can finally work in harmony..effortlessly Gone will be the days chasing updates or putting out fires because changes didn’t get passed on. Hello stress free smiles [cue serene music]
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Planning tools that put you in control

Yes, you are amazing

There are a lot of moving parts when it comes to planning events. It's a tough gig, especially when using tools made in the last century (like spreadsheets!!)

Be more amazing

Use the smart, integrated, collaborative planning tools in Joi... made for now. It will be like swapping a fountain pen for a smartphone.


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Budget with accuracy and confidence

Every event planner knows event budget management is critical because it’s easy to lose money. Chances are you are using spreadsheets. Human error can cost you dearly.

Until Joi there was no real choice.

Designed specifically for events, Joi budget removes the errors and gives you the oversight you need.

And for those event planners that have looked for an event budget solution before… yes... Joi does have a second multiplier so you can calculate costs and revenue on quantity and duration.

Start budgeting in Joi so you can:
Manage Revenue, costs and cash flow across all your events with fabulous reports
Send Budget proposals to clients with auto version control [no mix ups]
Manage quotes and build a library of vendors
Manage multi currency, tax, discount, fees and commissions without sweating over a calculator
..never again have the fear of a spreadsheet error
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Publish your program to the web: The way you want

Everything in sync....all the time
Get rid of the pain of having to separately update your website [and event app] every time there is a change to your program [and there will probably be loads] Publish your program directly from Joi and update with a click

Your choice of publish options 

When it comes to publishing you can opt for the embed code, the JSON feed [for all you web devs out there] or you can create your own beautiful event microsite 

You have full control over what will be displayed and can create multiple pages

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You want simple and most event apps give you complex [with a big price tag]

Top four reasons why people use event apps
1. For the program or agenda [which you can personalise]
2. For general event info
3. For notifications
4. For feedback

Joi gives you all this and more in a great looking app that you can style the way you want. Just like the microsite, updates are easy...

No fuss… and no extra cost 
The Joi Event App is included as part of the Joi Subscription.

The Joi Event App is easier to create than a printed program so the question is not should I have an event app? It’s 'why wouldn’t I have an event app'?

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Start planning events for free.

Access all the features in Joi for 7 days, then decide which plan suits you.

7 day free trial Book a 30 min demo

Or compare plans from $50AUD,  €35EUR,  £30GBP, or $40USD per month for 10 active events.